Your chiropractor will begin by asking you some pertinent questions and listening attentively to what you have to say. If after this stage your problem sounds like something we can help with, then we will, with your permission, proceed to the Chiropractic assessment. Should we feel that you are not suitable for chiropractic care then we will refer you to a GP or a suitable specialist. Our assessment procedures have been designed to give us the maximum amount of information with the least amount of discomfort for you, the patient. You may be familiar with some of the tests if you have already consulted your GP or a consultant. Some will be unique to chiropractic. Droitwich Back & Neck Clinic use state-of-the-art thermographic and digital equipment to assess tension and range of motion in the spine and extremity joints. This aids us in compiling the most accurate diagnosis, and if appropriate, plan of treatment too. To find out more on our process click here.