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So far MCHIRO has created 42 blog entries.

Are You Loving Your Heart?

Have you thought about your heart health lately? 🧡 Valentine’s week has arrived and if you have ventured into a shop of late, you will be surrounded by heart-shaped objects that are gifted to others as a representation of love. And as wonderful as it is to show others appreciation, when did we last think about giving our own heart some love? It might sound like a strange question, but as chiropractors we often discover during someone’s first visit that their spine has been neglected. It hasn’t been an intentional oversight on their part; it is because the spine sits [...]

By |2024-11-26T17:07:11+00:0011 February 2025|Health|0 Comments

Are you doing these 5 things to prevent Back Pain?

If you are experiencing back pain right now or have in the past, you are certainly not alone. It’s reported that the NHS spend 5 billion pounds a year tackling back pain, and it is estimated up to 60% of the adult population will experience some form of lower back pain in their life1. And whilst back pain is extremely common and something that we see often as a Chiropractor, it can sometimes be deemed as ‘normal’ due to the amount of people who struggle with it. But pain is not normal, and with any type of discomfort it is [...]

By |2024-11-26T16:51:19+00:004 February 2025|Chiropractic Care, Health|0 Comments

Have You Got Clear Health Boundaries?

This week we are talking about boundaries! If you have ever tried to set boundaries in the past and found the process difficult, you are certainly not alone. Setting them can be a challenge and almost feel like a selfish thing to do, but rest assured; those feelings are perfectly normal. As human beings, we have the desire to want to be liked and not go against the grain, which is why setting boundaries can cause internal tension. But moving through that tension may be the best thing you do. Because creating boundaries for your health can help to protect [...]

By |2024-11-13T11:19:32+00:0014 January 2025|Health|0 Comments

What Should We Be Eating?

Are you trying to be more mindful about your food choices but confused if you are on the right path? We can assure you that you are not alone. With January in full swing, it’s a time when we are bombarded with information about the latest diets and health hacks, which can often lead to confusion and overwhelm. You will be pleased to read that our intention with this blog is to try and make it simple, by sharing effective ways you can enhance your nutrition. And remember, it doesn’t need to be an overhaul. If the information we share [...]

By |2024-11-12T17:41:19+00:007 January 2025|Health|0 Comments

Could Using Technology Be the Issue?

Whether you love or hate it, there is no hiding from the fact that technology plays an integral role in daily life for most people and has advanced the way we live. And while there are clear benefits to devices such as phones and laptops, could tech be part of the issue regarding complaints such as neck pain, headaches, and shoulder tension?   We are sad to say it is highly likely.   If you have ever observed a friend or family member while on their device or have driven by a bus stop and seen someone looking at their phone, did [...]

By |2024-10-30T17:07:35+00:0017 December 2024|Chiropractic Care, Health|0 Comments

Do you have sciatica? Here is everything you need to know.

Are you struggling with lower back and leg pain? We understand how uncomfortable and frustrating this can be, and whether it has just started or has been bubbling away for a while, you may be experiencing sciatica. It can make daily activities that we all take for granted, such as getting out of bed or even putting socks on in the morning go from a simple task to a laborious one. If you are struggling, you are certainly not alone. It is estimated that 40% of the population will experience sciatica at some point in their life1, and it is [...]

By |2024-10-30T16:48:23+00:0010 December 2024|Chiropractic Care, Health|0 Comments

Are Cramps Keeping You Up At Night? Here’s What You Can Do

If you have ever had muscle cramp strike, you will probably remember the shock it caused. Cramps and muscle spasms can creep up on us when we least expect it and stop us in our tracks. Whether it be an episode in the night, leaving you gasping in pain due to the leg or calf tension, or a sudden onset of cramp in the back causing you to bend over double, cramp can be unpleasant and is something many people experience. In this week’s blog we shine a light on why cramp may happen in the first place, along with [...]

By |2024-10-30T16:31:46+00:003 December 2024|Chiropractic Care|0 Comments

Sleep Well With Theses Top Tips

Getting a good night’s sleep and waking up feeling refreshed is something that can easily be taken for granted. Often it’s not until hours are missed or sleep becomes disjointed, that people realise just how important it is. You may be able to relate from your own experience. Do you recall when you last had a poor night’s sleep? The next day you may have felt like you’d been up until the early hours partying, or stepped off a plane from an exotic destination when sadly neither were the case. It’s safe to say, you most likely weren’t firing on [...]

By |2024-10-10T17:07:55+01:0019 November 2024|Health|0 Comments

Boost Your Mood And Reduce Pain Naturally

Have you ever experienced a moment so filled with joy and laughter that you forgot all your troubles and felt an incredible surge of energy? That feeling of euphoria is thanks to the release of endorphins - the natural feel-good chemicals in your body. Endorphins are released from the brain and have been linked to reducing pain, relieving stress, and creating an overall sense of well-being1. And the good news is that you can encourage the release of endorphins by incorporating certain activities into your daily routine. First on the list is laughter. Surrounding yourself with positivity and joyful experiences [...]

By |2024-10-10T12:40:58+01:0012 November 2024|Health|0 Comments

Bone health through Winter and Beyond!

Did you know there is so much you can do to keep your bones strong? And that strength is really important, especially as we move into the cooler months which means the risk of falls increases. But unfortunately for many, it is not until that dreaded fall and a fracture occurs that they realise they have low bone density and will then get diagnosed with osteoporosis, which is the weakening of bones. In fact, according to the NHS, it is estimated that over 3 million people in the UK have osteoporosis, and 300,000 fragility fractures happen each year1. But just [...]

By |2024-10-01T18:19:21+01:005 November 2024|Chiropractic Care|0 Comments
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